Unplugged living & the magic of a Tipi

As the festive cheer of Christmas fades into memory, it's natural to reflect on the year that has passed and set intentions for the one ahead.

One valuable lesson that Christmas invariably reminds us of is the joy of unplugging from our hectic, digitally-dominated lives and reconnecting with what truly matters.

As we step into the New Year it allows us a chance to extend this mindset and make changes that allow us to embrace a lifestyle that makes a priority of disconnecting from the digital world and reconnecting with nature.

Benefits of Unplugging:

  • Mental Clarity: Reducing screen time can lead to decreased stress and anxiety, paving the way for a clearer, more peaceful mind.

  • Improved Relationships: Without the constant distraction of technology, we can engage more deeply with those around us.

  • Enhanced Appreciation of Nature: Unplugging allows us to immerse ourselves in the natural world, fostering a deeper appreciation for our environment.

A Symbol of Simplicity and Shelter

The tipi is a traditional structure used on the Plains in North America, it embodies a harmonious balance with nature. Modern versions, like the tipis we make blend this ancient wisdom with contemporary comforts, offering a unique way to experience the great outdoors.

Why Choose a Tipi?

  • Connection with Nature: Tipis provide a unique opportunity to stay close to nature while being sheltered from the elements.

  • Simplicity and Serenity: The circular shape and simple structure of a tipi encourage a minimalist lifestyle, free from clutter and distraction.

  • A space that connects to the outdoors but keeps you sheltered from the elements, yurts are beautiful but can feel almost like being in a house or tent, tents convenient as they are are often cramped and of course - you can’t have an open fire inside one! Tipis with their height allow light in while the poles and canvas forms a skeleton around you making you feel truly protected - often compared to sitting in the shelter of a giant oak tree :)

Investing in a tipi isn’t just about acquiring a physical structure; it’s about committing to a lifestyle that values simplicity, nature, and authentic connections, it isn’t just a retreat space, it’s a portal to a more mindful, peaceful, and connected way of living.

Let's carry the spirit of Christmas into every day of the New Year, one unplugged moment at a time.

Contact us today to add a tipi to your 2024!



Exploring the Timeless Charm of Tipis: Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Tipi in the UK


Tips for Winterising Your Tipi